Monday, 11 February 2008

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Today we went to Monterey Bay Aquarium which was awesome!
Most of my pictures in the main sections came out blurry because I couldn't figure out how to adjust the shutter speed with the flash turned off on my camera (must remember to look that up!) but I did come away with some great pics anyway. The Aquarium had heaps of different sections, including sea otters, kelp forest, giant octopus, sandy shores, rocky shores, outer bay, life on the bay and my favourite, Jellies: Living Art.

The Outer Bay exhibit has pretty impressive stats regarding its window and holding capacity - it holds 1.2 million gallons sea water (4,542,000 litres), the water temp is maintained at 68°F (20°C) and is heated by the body heat of the aquarium visitors in a heat exchange system, and had the largest window in the world (at the time it was made) which is acrylic and weighs 78,000 lbs (35.38 tonnes), 13 in. thick (33cm), 54 ft. long (16.46m), and 15 ft. tall (4.572m).

After the Aquarium we had a meal at a neat restaurant called the Fish Hopper (just a few doors away from Bubba Gumps of Forest Gump fame) and had heated patio dining, which placed us above the waters of the bay. Erich & I really hitting it off well.
Took the scenic route out of Monterey Bay as the fog was coming in, so we stopped and took a couple more pics. Definitely a beautiful place.

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