Sunday, 10 February 2008

Arrived in California!

Flew from Dallas/Fort Worth airport to Denver, Colorado, then from there I flew to San Jose.
After a bit of switching around and getting my ticket reissued in Denver as they'd changed the gate and not announced it, and some minor stress about my baggage following me to the correct gate, I settled in for the 3-4 hour wait for my flight to San Jose. (I'm not sure how long it was because of time zones and, well, I wasn't paying that much attention.)

They warned us flying out of Denver that there was some turbulence going over the Rockies, but there was nothing more than a couple of bumps in the road. Arriving in San Jose was interesting - it was the first time I've debarked a plane down the stairs onto the tarmac. Waiting for the baggage was funny.. about 10 bags came out of the carousel, then it stopped. About 5 minutes later a luggage handler comes up the carousel ramp carrying a suitcase, disappears back down, brings out another bag, says that he'll be bringing all the luggage out one at a time, then disappears for good. We were all standing around the carousel wondering what was going on when someone realized all the luggage had come out on the one two carousels over, along with the stuff from an Alaskan flight. Kand turned up just as I hauled my second bag off the carousel, so that was good timing, and we headed back to his place.

BK for dinner, which rounded out a well-balanced meal day - McD's for Brekkie, McD's for lunch & BK.

Tomorrow: Shopping!


Christine said...

Oooooohm whats american BK like?

Oh and uh... good you got there safe ;)

J said...

Pretty much identical to NZ BK actually - at least the burger and chips I had....