Took myself for a walk down to Capitola beach which is very beautiful. Stayed there all afternoon reading my book White Fang by Jack London (which amused a few people who were walking their dogs), taking photos and watching all the people.

Texted Erich to meet me there after work as it was such a lovely evening, and he arrived just at dusk. He actually scared me from behind when he showed up.

We went to a coffee house called Mr Toots with a tiny balcony which overlooks the river and had a drink

that hot chocolate was definitely the tastiest ever. I sampled Erichs Apple & Clove hot cider which was certainly an unusual taste for me, and not unpleasant! The tide was out, but imagine having a back yard like these riverfront houses:

We then headed to a crepe restaurant (The Crepe Place) for dinner. I found it odd to have my chicken enclosed in a crepe - I thought they were a dessert food! It tasted great and was VERY filling.
I'm really enjoying trying out new foods and seeing the sights rather than going to tourist trap amusement parks - Yes I talk about the food a lot, but there are so many different flavours to try!
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