I'm a slacker! I've been busy with this and that and then forgetting to update the blog, so, I'm going to fill in the gaps really quickly.
Wednesday June 18: Erich and I went to Daly City for Erich's dads birthday. We went to a Malaysian restaurant. Good food.
Friday June 20:Erich, Linda & Ricky went to dancing. I stayed home to catch up on work and stuff.
Saturday June 21:Stormy weather. Impressive lightning, no rain whatsoever, caused heaps of fires around the area. We were driving around with the top down and heard the loudspeakers calling everyone off the beach because of the danger levels, and we went to a pub for lunch called 99 bottles and the soccer game on tv was interrupted for severe weather warnings. Interesting stuff. And the clouds looked nifty.
Sunday June 22:Ricky, Ian Danae & Linda went shopping for bikinis and Ricky discovered Jagermeister.
Monday June 23:Ricky left to fly home
Wednesday June 25:A fire engine and ambulance turned up in our complex. Fire engines look very retro out here. (excuse the quality, took pic with my phone)
Tuesday July 1:Came back from walking the dog to find a snake on the path to our front door. It didn't seem to want to move, so I picked up the dog, stepped over it and raced in for my camera.

ok, so that pic makes it look bigger than it actually is..

After a couple of dozen photos of it just sitting there doing nothing, I poked it with a stick and he slithered off. He's a common green garter snake by the way

Of course, once I had the camera out, it became time to take photos of everything...

Fizzgig Erichs Chinchilla,

My breakfast...

I normally get the plain one, but this was 2 for 1.. but who needs a handful of chocolate for breakfast? yuck.
Thursday July 3rd: Ricky flew back for the weekend. Kristen & Brian picked him up from the airport and spent the day with him, and Erich and I met up with them in the evening.
Friday July 4th - Independence Day:After our morning walk with Alfie, Erich and I did a bit of gardening. Oh hello another snake.

Erich tried to catch it in a dustpan to move it, but he wasn't co-operative. Eventually he hung out in front of the neighbours garage (the snake, not Erich). His red stripes are darker than the one the other day, but Erich tells me it was just another common garter snake. He was bigger than the first one I saw though.
We had the traditional barbeque with all the neighbours complete with HotDogs and patriotic music and in the afternoon we went to the beach

Crowded! Erich said it'll be busier later in the summer too.. owch.

We hung out at the boardwalk


Twinkies are NOT an everyday food. (tastes like a chocolate dipped donut)

We decided to skip the sweet battered Oreos...
We came, we saw, we watched people get freaked out

We left. Headed out to the lighthouse to look at the view and found myself a little gopher friend.

Of course Erich and Ricky were wondering why I was so fascinated.. but they're cute!
No fireworks unfortunately, but then again, breathing wildfire smoke and dusting ash off everything isn't as fun as it sounds.
Saturday July 5th:Ricky went out with Linda and Ian to the beach to lay around. very sunburnt.
Sunday July 6th:Mea's birthday

I'm not quite sure how it happened, but at one point everyone was singing rounds of Row Row Row Your Boat for the baby. Mea is the one at the back on the left.

Ricky discovered various different alcohols.
On the way home I saw my first real live raccoon running across the freeway. It was cute. Then there was a thud. I'm not going to mention the tufts of hair in the wheel rim.
Ian dropped Linda off at the bus station for an 18 hour ride on a Greyhound to Arizona.
Monday July 7th:Erich dropped Ricky off at the airport to head back home.
Now you're all up-to-date.
Feel better?