After a mission of epic proportions, a dozen phone calls, a broken printer and serving 8 other people because he was taking so long to deal with my car reservation, "Gino" of Budget rental finally managed to issue me with a vehicle after two hours. A Chrysler Sebring, to be exact. I call it a gutless wonder. It should be pretty fuel efficient. Gino managed to mess up my reservation, knew nothing of the insurance options and seemed to have different information than the mini-lease department did on the phone. For example, to have an additional driver registered on the vehicle I was told it was $10/day to a maximum of $50. I am certain I clarified this with the booking agent on the phone, but Gino said it is a maximum of $50/week. So I didn't get Bobby registered as an additional driver. Don't even get me started on the insurance. Lets just say that after two hours of terrible service (and a phone call to their customer service, just to make doubly sure) I have FAR more insurance than I need, and I can ring and cancel it at any time. On Monday/Tuesday I'll be phoning my NZ travel insurance company to clarify the rental vehicle section of my policy, if necessary changing my insurance with them, and/or phoning insurance companies here in Tennessee.
So, since I decided not to get the additional driver thing, that meant I had to drive home. In the rain, on dusk, on the wrong side of the road, on the wrong side of the car. And when I say its a gutless wonder, I mean that it feels like it is not going to take off when you take off, its going to mosey along. The steering is over-sensitive, which is not helped at all by the fact that I tend to want to drive too far to the right, and you can feel the slightest gust of wind in the handling. The acceleration doesn't seem to have a happy place to sit, I have to keep adjusting the pressure to maintain the correct speed. I now know how to work the cruise control. I think. It does help on the long sections, but it's going to take some adjustment to get used to the speed limit signs

small, not terribly reflective, FAR off the road, and look just like our weight limit signs.

Not terribly obvious.
Oh, and turning right on a red light gives me the willies, so I think I won't do that very often. Thank goodness that Walmart is on the closest edge of town.
Tomorrow I'm going to take a bit of a jaunt in the car and get myself a bit of confidence. Yikes.
1 comment:
Don't forget you owe me foodstuffs!!! I've been trying to get you on yahoo to double check the stuff i'm sending you. Im not taking it anywhere near a post office until I do!
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