Such a beautiful day out and Erich and I decided to see if there were still some Monarch butterflies at the resting area.

The sign says:
Starting early in October, the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) arrives in this area on its yearly migration from the colder northern nesting grounds. It gathers in clusters on Eucalyptus trees from which it flies in search of food on days when the temperature is above 55 degrees. At temperatures below this a dislodged Monarch may fall victim to insects or field mice since it cannot fly. The Monarchs may remain here until March when the warmer days trigger a Northeasterly return migration.
We didn't see any clusters, I guess it was too warm, but there were a few fluttering about the place.

After that we drove to a place where Erich did some work while he was at University studying marine biology.
A Blue Whale. All the bones are wired with lights so it can be lit up at night.

Extra bones

Erich helped put this guy together.

Elephant seal statue (and Erich and Alfie of course)

We walked around a little more and found the dolphins. squee!

On the way home we spotted a surfing competition. You wouldn't think this was winter would you!

Wait, who's that driving the car?